Meet Zhou Fang 

What called you to volunteer with PDXWIT? 

The motivation of not only being a bystander but also a partaker in diversity, equity, and inclusion. The urge of making real, lasting impacts in my community. The curiosity for everything I have not learned and practiced in the space. And the refusal to be silenced. 

What is your day job and/or another passion of yours (besides PDXWIT)? 

I am a communications person by trade. I am passionate about immigration issues, anti-asian racism, pay inequality, and other systemic issues that are crippling yet oftentimes ignored. I hope the next phase of my professional life will reflect my passions more keenly as well.

What has been your favorite PDXWIT project, initiative, or event you have participated in as a volunteer? Why?

I have enjoyed being a lead of the Speakers Bureau that talks about all things DEI. I am also appreciative of the “heritage month events” PDXWIT hosts throughout the year. I am in the process of kicking off the AAPI in tech Affinity Group with a couple of fabulous folks in the community. Please look out for the announcement in the coming weeks. 

What is something people may not know or expect about you?

1. I speak three languages: English, Mandarin, and Cantonese. 

2. I love stand-up comedy and other comedy forms as I think humor, sometimes dark humor, is the best way to express ourselves and talk about critical topics. 

3. I almost got kicked out of the country in 2019 and I *just* got my green card in January 2022 (yes, this month!). Ask me about immigration! Don’t worry about offending or making me sad. The more people talk about it, the bigger chance we have to reform immigration.